Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Discovering Your Voice Website Under Construction

EMC Publishing’s editorial and design staff is working with authors Tony Romano and Gary Anderson, to create and launch a new website to accompany the new edition of our textbook, Expository Composition: Discovering Your Voice, which is scheduled to roll off the presses in early fall. The new version of the book is even more tech-friendly, including a new chapter “Writing Online,” as well as blog post models from students and experienced bloggers around the country, along with tech-forward tips and approaches infused throughout the book.

The working title of the website is Discovering Your Voice. In his recent blog at http://whatsnotwrong.wordpress.com/2011/06/24/talking-to-myself-about-a-new-website/ coauthor Gary Anderson poses the question, "Before we start building it, what should this site do?"

Your comments and suggestion are welcome!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Great M&W Summer School Resources!

Mirrors & Windows offers a complete package of effective summer school resources for struggling students.

  • The Assessment Guide provides oral reading fluency tests and formative surveys with remediation rubrics aligned with Common Core State Standards.
  • Differentiating Instruction for Developing Readers offers students the opportunity to learn, practice, and apply reading strategies and skills through mini-lessons focused on the selections in the literature textbook.
  • Differentiating Instruction for English Language Learners provides complete authentic selections in a work-text format with reading strategies, guided reading questions, and vocabulary support during reading.
Go to www.mirrorsandwindows.com for more information!